In order to put things into perspective, we often need to break it down into numbers that are easily understandable. I was researching something online this evening and came across a thought-provoking video.
A woman by the name of Donella Meadows published a document in 1990 called State of the Village Report that looked at the world as it might be if the total global population had been reduced 1000.
According to Miniature Earth Project website, the video was produced based on her original text, with some updates using a global population of 100 persons and more recent data. They have noted that the data should not be considered as “accurate”, but rather a ”tendency” as statistics can change frequently. Either way, it’s a provocative look at our world.
Found this link on Vimeo, but you can also view it from the original Miniature Earth Project video link on their site. Check it out…
Jermiah 23:10 'I well know,O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.'
Says and explains alot does it not?
A thought-provoking video. No matter where we live, our spiritual centre, ethnic background, or our financial status, the video draws attention to the fact that we are a microcosm - a speck in something so much larger. Yes, we need to appreciate what we have, but we also have to appreciate that just as a small pebble can trigger a rockslide, each of us has the ability to impact future generations in a way (positive or negative) that is so much larger than ourselves. Let's hope that despite our less-than-perfect ways, the impact is positive.
Tomorrow is a gift. Action is required. Reducing our carbon footprint, giving back to the communities in which we live and those we visit. Whatever we do, we have to commit to the process and feel confident in knowing that each action, however small, can make a difference. JMO
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