To be admitted to Nature's hearth costs nothing. None is excluded, but excludes himself.
You have only to push aside the curtain - Henry David Thoreau

The only limits we have are those we give ourselves.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Taxes and Toes – a dichotomy of emotions

Preparing my taxes does not elicit any happy feelings for me. There is no joy in the process and part of it stems from my lack of organization throughout the year. Normally, a reasonably organized person, there is something about filing receipts that, well, just doesn’t get done!

They get stuffed into into my purse, my briefcase, the car console…everywhere! Then, one day in April, I go on a search and destroy mission to pull them all together. Of course, come October or November, I quite often find receipts that I forgot to submit! Argh! Who would have thought to look in my winter coat pocket or the bottom of my gym bag (although, I also found a ready-to-expire PowerBar and my favourite underwear in the process!…yes, they were clean!). “I’ll be more organized next year”, I promise myself yet again.

So, how do I get started on such an onerous task? I could take another run past the house with ‘yard art’ to at least get a smile on my face before I begin (although, I have visions of police officers at my door questioning my stalking habits).

Or, better yet, I could see Eszter! She is a foot-care specialist. I’m referring to something well beyond a basic pedicure. When I leave her clinic, the sun is shining, the air is fresh, the angels are singing, and I have ‘happy feet’. Glorious!


And so it begins…preparing my taxes with happy feet. I just hope that the Revenue Canada employee that reviews my taxes is feeling something equally divine! Do you think it would be inappropriate to E-file an ‘Eszter gift certificate’ with my tax return?! Probably, eh? Oh well…for now…it’s ‘Happy Feet’ Friday!

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