To be admitted to Nature's hearth costs nothing. None is excluded, but excludes himself.
You have only to push aside the curtain - Henry David Thoreau

The only limits we have are those we give ourselves.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Don’t drink the water…

We were away this past weekend for a half-Ironman race.  Mark had injured his foot earlier in the week and knew going into this race that he may only be able to do the swim and bike portion. 

I was looking forward to racing and was feeling quite relaxed about the day – alas, not to be.  I strained my back on Saturday and I could only do the swim and bike as well – back spasms on the bike forced me to pull out of the run portion.  Disappointed, but made the smart decision and will focus on getting things back on track for IM. 

But, we had to chuckle.  Upon arrival at the race venue on Saturday afternoon we decided we would do a quick swim first, before picking up our race kits.  The water was very choppy and only a couple of athletes were in the water.  Then we saw the sign saying that the water quality was not acceptable and that swimming was not recommended.  Hmmm, there is a 2km swim in this same lake tomorrow…is it going to change overnight?  Apparently yes!  LOL I didn’t see the signage on Sunday morning. 


Good thing there were lots of these, just in case.

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