To be admitted to Nature's hearth costs nothing. None is excluded, but excludes himself.
You have only to push aside the curtain - Henry David Thoreau

The only limits we have are those we give ourselves.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Fireworks...nothing like this!

OK, I thought I had seen fireworks displays before, but this was the craziest night of fireworks ever.  There were several areas within the city of Amsterdam that had 'official' fireworks displays, but in addition to those, anyone can purchase whatever kind of fireworks they want...and they did!

Thousands and thousands of people out setting off fireworks in streets, off bridges, from balconies...this is their way of celebrating in Amsterdam. There were a few times our ears were ringing loudly as one would go off in a garbage can as we walked by...we jumped a couple of times from the noise!

It was funny and yet we were cautious as we walked through the streets with the throngs of New Year's revelers as we wondered if we might come face to face with a wayward pyrotechnic blast! But, none of that happened and everyone seemed to be just having a lot of fun.

In Dam Square (not far from the red light district), there was a big concert going on and we enjoyed just hanging out with tens of thousands of our closest friends as the count-down occurred and 2009 was upon us. ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi guys, you still sound like your having lots of fun! I can't wait to see your pantings. I was wondereing if you could take a picture of them and show us all how they turned out. Mybe we will see new Pictures on the combells soup cans!LOl Hey you may never know...would one get a "kick back" for the idea of that? I love seeing the pictures you have shown can't wait to see more. I look forward to reading the story continues! Lots of love F.H.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark and Tammy
Just let the last of our company out after a day of eating and playing cards. A real nice group, and all laughed a lot. We had 20 adults and 5 children. The kids were real good.
It sounds as if ;your New Years eve. was eventful. Fireworks are truly beautiful, it make us think of the one the have at Pt. Burwell each year put on by the Fire fighters and it the best display we have ever seen. Nice to watch over the bluff. Are you going on th Belgim, or straight home? Continue to have lots of fun and enjoy your time you have left. Love to you all. Looking forward to you getting home. Love MOM DAD

Anonymous said...

Just got caught up on the reading of your whereabouts and what you are doing and it was really great. Have been very busy with family and friends but we are all fine and doing well. Good luck in the remaining hours of your trip and best wishes for a safe return home. Love, Mom.

Anonymous said...

Still blogging and still enjoying new adventures right until you depart. Thank you, you are a great and thoughtful couple. Will talk to you soon after you are safely back home. We leave the morning of the 7th for our trip. Love, Mom.