To be admitted to Nature's hearth costs nothing. None is excluded, but excludes himself.
You have only to push aside the curtain - Henry David Thoreau

The only limits we have are those we give ourselves.


Thursday, December 11, 2008


one more sleep before we head off on our East African adventure.  Having said that, if the pile of gear and clothes on the floor is any indication, there may not be much sleep at all before we catch our flights.  It could be a late night. 
It's not easy to pack for extremes in weather conditions.  Just when I think I've pared it down to the bare minimum, I begin questioning whether I really have 'enough', or if I should pack one more pair of pants. 
We're relying on the fact that we will find laundry facilities someplace...other than a hippopotamus watering hole.  Apparently they can be quite territorial.  Even with Usain Bolt's genetics I couldn't run 30mph, so I'll just keep my eyes open for something that resembles a washing machine! 
Visas are done
Various inoculations/shots are done
Malaria meds begin tomorrow
Last minute work-related things
oh yeah, and final packing...
I have a funny feeling that we'll be catching up on our sleep while crossing the Atlantic.  Whoever is sitting beside me better be cautious, I am territorial too! 

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