To be admitted to Nature's hearth costs nothing. None is excluded, but excludes himself.
You have only to push aside the curtain - Henry David Thoreau

The only limits we have are those we give ourselves.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Really?? there isn't any chicken left?

We went to Swiss Chalet this past weekend with Mark's mom and strangely enough, while waiting in line to be seated, they advised us that they ran out of chicken. It really didn't matter to us as we had a really nice time just enjoying each other's company, but it did seem odd for a restaurant that specializes in chicken to have 'no chicken'.

Of course, the first thing that entered my crazy mind was all those chickens must have skipped town and were lounging on a beach someplace.

..then I found this photo online. Obviously, someone got very creative with some tin foil cut-outs during the roasting process! Too funny!

The next day, we were off to my parents' home to celebrate Rick & Fran's 23rd Wedding Anniversary (a huge congratulations!). Let it be known...if my mother were in charge of Swiss Chalet's kitchen, they would never find themselves in the position of being 'out of chicken'. As usual, it was delicious. Guaranteed, my dad will be enjoying left-overs for days to come.

I wonder what we'll be eating in Africa. I have a funny feeling there will be chicken! We're going to take along some ketchup packets, and possibly some salt & pepper. Rumour has it that we will be longing for some seasonings and a 'taste of home'. Maybe some Swiss Chalet dipping sauce will be in order!

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