And then...we met and got to know Yusuf. He had a friend in Arusha (apparently, was a true 'birdman' recognizing over 800 species of birds. Yusuf said he knew only 500 species!). He said he would try to set up a meeting between us once we had returned from the mountain, make the introduction and hopefully 'Tino' could assist us.
So, after a much-needed shower (8 days without washing my hair - you can only imagine that I was always wearing at hat!) we took a shuttle into Moshi to meet Yusuf and Tino. Little did we know that Tino had taken a bus from Arusha to Moshi (approx 80-90km) just for this introduction and then turned around to take the bus back!! Yusuf said that is what friends do! They help each other without question.
In any case, Tino was very personable and we agreed to meet in Arusha on the 29th, following our safari and see what he has planned.
We had also asked about local shopping and Yusuf told us he would go with us as otherwise we would likely pay overly inflated tourist prices. We were appreciative of his thoughtfulness but wondered aloud about his family time. We knew that he had just been away from his wife and children for the past 8 days and that he was guiding a walking safari in a few short days.
After a quick stop at a local shop, we asked that he allow us to have our taxi take him home first, before we returned to our hotel so that he did not have to walk.
We had our first taste of the true culture as we drove to his home. We passed through his local market, over bumpy, dirt roads. Most homes do not have running water (they collect water at community taps and boil their water). Some have electricity, others do not. A television would be a true luxury and owning a car would be next to impossible. He said he fared better than many and most importantly, they were happy and healthy.
He invited us in to meet his family and he seemed confused when we were reluctant to do so without his wife having advance warning of visitors. Why would she not want to meet his new friends? His home was well-cared for with simple furnishings and his family were wonderfully inviting.
We were touched by their authenticity and I'm sure each of us took something to heart by this chance meeting - serendipity.
The blog has been fantastic so far. What a blessing to do such an amazing climb. Glad to hear you are safe and sound and faring well. Have a wonderful Christmas.
My goodness you must be so excited and you are doing extremely well. I think Yusuf will be a lifetime friend. You are very special people or he would not have been so cordial, he certainly could not do that for many of the climbers. Have a Merry Christmas!!We are almost snowed in today, but it is mild and expecting rain. So we'll see what happens. Everyone is well. Love, and take care, Mom.
Hi, it's me again. I just received a beautiful edible arrangement and I want to thank you so much. I even told the delivery man about your success in climbing the mountain, in fact, I tell a lot of people. Anyway, it was a great time to enjoy a great fruit lunch and I did starting with the choc. coated apples. So thanks again, I love you so much. Mom.
Merry Christmas Eve to both of you and everyone you are with tonight. We still are reading your blog and enjoy hearing about your furthur exploits. Have a very Merry Christmas and know we are thinking and praying for you. Love, Jerry, Mary and all the family.
Hi Tammy and Mark
Here we are again, What nice person Yusuf must be. He probably has a chance to meet lots of people but how many would also be as nice as you two. I guess that was a little prejudice, thats a mother for you. We have sure had different weather, snow so deep up past our calves in the driveway and where the snowpough pushed up over my knees. Your dad has been sick, not flue but sinus bad cough and all that stuff that goes along with it. Steve K. came up and took our snowblower and did our driveway. another neighbour helped him. He then did his own that was sure a help, as dad couldnt do it. Guess what I hadnt learned how to run that machine. I sure will now. Hope it is nice and warm, because it will probably be cold when you get home. Rick and his family is coming down for lunch tomorrow. We will be thinking about you. Will be anxious to read your next message. Say hi to Walt and Marissa. Love Mom and Dad
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